the visual series: projects

Amazon (Kindle Edition)
Payhip (PDF, Kindle Edition

The Divine Comedy: The New Illuminated Edition

“BEFORE MY RISING, NONE WERE BUILT TO FEAR TIME’S DURANCE, AND FOREVER I ENDURE. ABANDON ALL HOPE, YE WHO ENTER HERE.” At over four thousand lines of poetry, Inferno is one of the most well-known and revered epic poems ever written. Now, Dante Alighieri’s classic journey through Hell, originally written in Italian, is now presented as a fully rhymed and metered English version. The Divine Comedy: Inferno: The New Illuminated Edition This version includes chapter heading illustrations.

Amazon (Kindle Edition)
Payhip (PDF, CBZ, Kindle Edition

Last and First Men: The Visual Edition

“And so we may go forward together with laughter in our hearts, and peace, thankful for the past, and for our own courage. For we shall make after all a fair conclusion to this brief music that is man.”

The first of his two generational science fiction epics, Olaf Stapledon’s 1930 work Last and First Men now finds itself visualized like never before.

Amazon (Kindle Edition)
Payhip (PDF, CBZ, Kindle Edition)

Star Maker: The Visual Edition

“The universe now appeared to me as a void wherein floated rare flakes of snow, each flake a universe.”

Already an ambitious philosophical science fiction epic, Olaf Stapledon’s Star Maker – one soul’s triumphant journey throughout a colossal universe flooded with life – now finds itself visualized like never before.

The Visual Edition: A Series Like No Other